This Completion Instruction Sheet will provide you with any additional instructions and requirements necessary to complete the Flight Conditions for a Permit to Fly – Approval Form 18B. It is strongly recommended to use the English language in completing the form. Please complete the form in a clearly legible way.

# - Field Name

Completion Instructions

1. Applicant

Please enter the full name of the company (as it appears on the Business Registration or similar legal document) or natural person (as it appears in the ID Card/Passport) providing the flight conditions and associated justifications

1a. Payer

To be filled in with name of entity to receive the Trafikstyrelsen bill. To be filled in only if different from applicant (Field 1).

2. Applicant's Reference

For traceability purpose please enter applicant’s reference (if there is such a reference).

3. Aircraft make and model

Please identify the Aircraft make (manufacturer) and aircraft model

4a. Serial number(s) AND Nationality and Registration marks

Fill in aircraft serial number(s) AND aircraft registrations(s). Make clear separation between aircraft individuals.

Example: 4711 OY-ABC, 4712 OY-ABD

5. Purpose (i.a.w. 21.A.701(a))

Please identify the purpose in accordance with 21.A.701 (a):

  1. development;
  2. showing compliance with regulations or certification specifications;
  3. design organisations or production organisations crew training;
  4. production flight testing of new production aircraft;
  5. flying aircraft under production between production facilities;
  6. flying the aircraft for customer acceptance;
  7. delivering or exporting the aircraft;
  8. flying the aircraft for Authority acceptance;
  9. market survey, including customer’s crew training;
  10. exhibition and air show;
  11. flying the aircraft to a location where maintenance or airworthiness review are to be performed, or to a place of storage;
  12. flying an aircraft at a weight in excess of its maximum certificated takeoff weight for flight beyond the normal range over water, or over land areas where adequate landing facilities or appropriate fuel is not available;
  13. record breaking, air racing or similar competition;
  14. flying aircraft meeting the applicable airworthiness requirements before conformity to the environmental requirements has been found;
  15. for non-commercial flying activity on individual non-complex aircraft or types for which a certificate of airworthiness or restricted certificate of airworthiness is not appropriate.
  16. flying an aircraft for troubleshooting purposes or to check the functioning of one or more systems, parts or appliances after maintenance.

The CAA-DK approved flight conditions are valid as long as the configuration as defined in Field 6 and the conditions as defined in Field 8 in accordance with 21.A.708 are unchanged. The same EASA Form 18B may be used for additional Permits to Fly unless validity is limited by CAA-DK in Field 8.

5b. Duration

Specify duration. Maximum is 12 months except for purpose number 15 for which duration can be unlimited.

6. Aircraft configuration

Add reference to the document(s) identifying the configuration of the aircraft.

For change(s) affecting the initial approval form: description of change(s). This form must be re-issued.

7. Substantiations

Please provide all justifications and make references to the document(s) justifying that the aircraft (as described in Field 6) can perform the intended flight(s) safely under the defined conditions or restrictions.

For change(s) affecting the initial approval form: reference(s) to additional justification(s). This form must be re-issued.

8. Conditions/Restrictions

Details of these conditions/restrictions, or reference to the relevant document, including specific maintenance instructions and conditions to perform these instructions, are

  1. the conditions or restrictions put on itineraries or airspace, or both, required for the flight(s);
  2. the conditions and restrictions put on the flight crew to fly the aircraft;
  3. the restrictions regarding carriage of persons other than flight crew;
  4. the operating limitations, specific procedures or technical conditions to be met;
  5. the specific flight test programme (if applicable);
  6. the specific continuing airworthiness arrangements including maintenance instructions and regime under which they will be performed;
  7. the method used for the control of the aircraft configuration, in order to remain within the established conditions

Examples are:

  • The flight conditions approval is restricted to ferry … flight(s) only. Departure Airport: …….. Destination Airport: …….. (or a suitable alternate).
  • Special test areas must be used to avoid conflicts with regular traffic and flight testing over populated areas.
  • ATC coordination is required.
  • Flight Crew must have the appropriate licence and must be familiar with aircraft configuration and special operational procedures required under this flight conditions.
  • Pilot/Co-pilot must have valid [- indicate required pilot licence -] and must be familiar with aircraft configuration and special operational procedures required under this flight condition.
  • Special Flight Test Program of the DOA EASA.21.J.…….. must be observed.
  • Experimental Flight Test Pilot(s) are required.
  • Test Pilot(s) for avionics and systems test are required.
  • Only minimum flight crew and required technical personal on board.
  • No passengers
  • VFR Day only
  • VMC only
  • Non-icing conditions
  • Flight must be conducted un-pressurized
  • The Flight Crew must use supplementary oxygen as required by EU OPS 1.385.
  • Flight must be conducted with the gear down and locked. VLO = ……..
  • Flight must NOT be conducted in RVSM airspace.
  • Avoid areas of turbulence, high g-load, hard landing.
  • Dry runways only, no wet-, contaminated runways.
  • Special Maintenance Instructions and Flight Operations Instructions of the DOA EASA.21.J.…….. must be observed.
  • Regular Service and Maintenance Requirements apply.
  • Damage and Deficiency must exist that would prevent dispatch.
  • Before the flight can be carried out, following checks must have been performed without findings: ……..
  • No flight over congested or densely populated areas, except for take-off and landing.
  • The Basic Flight Manual and the relevant Supplements remain applicable.
  • The aircraft maintenance programme and related manuals remain applicable.
9. Statement Not to be filled in. The flight conditions have been established and justified including any condition or restriction necessary for safe operation of the aircraft.
10. Approved under To be filled in when approved under a privilege of an approved organisation.
11. Date of issue Please enter the date when the EASA Form 18B was issued.
12. Applicant Name and signature To be signed by an authorised representative of the applicant. If not signed, delays will occur.
13. CAA-DK Approval To be filled in ONLY by CAA-DK.

Completion Instructions CAA-DK.
Proprietary document. Copies are not controlled. Confirm revision status through the CAA-DK-Internet