ATCO.MED.B.055 Psychiatry

Regulation (EU) 2015/340


(a)       Applicants with a mental or behavioural disorder due to alcohol or other use or misuse of psychoactive substances, including recreational substances with or without dependency, shall be assessed as unfit until after a period of documented sobriety or freedom from psychoactive substance use or misuse and subject to satisfactory psychiatric evaluation after successful treatment. Applicants shall be referred to the licensing authority.


(b)       Applicants with a psychiatric condition such as:

(1) mood disorder;

(2) neurotic disorder;

(3) personality disorder;

(4) mental or behavioural disorder;shall undergo satisfactory psychiatric evaluation before a fit assessment may be considered. Applicants shall be referred to the licensing authority for the assessment of their medical fitness.


(c)        Applicants with a history of a single or repeated acts of deliberate self-harm shall be assessed as unfit. Applicants shall be referred to the licensing authority and shall undergo satisfactory psychiatric evaluation before a fit assessment may be considered.


(d)       Applicants with an established history or clinical diagnosis of schizophrenia, schizotypal, delusional disorder or mania shall be assessed as unfit.



AMC1 ATCO.MED.B.055 Psychiatry

ED Decision 2015/010/R


(a)       Disorders due to alcohol or other substance use

(1) A fit assessment may be considered after successful treatment, a period of documented sobriety or freedom from substance use, and review by a psychiatric specialist. The licensing authority, with the advice of the psychiatric specialist, should determine the duration of the period to be observed before a medical certificate can be issued.

(2) Depending on the individual case, treatment may include in-patient treatment of some weeks.

(3) Continuous follow-up, including blood testing and peer reports, may be required indefinitely.


(b)       Mood disorder

Applicants with an established mood disorder should be assessed as unfit. After full recovery and after full consideration of an individual case, a fit assessment may be considered depending on the characteristics and gravity of the mood disorder. If stability on maintenance psychotropic medication is confirmed, a fit assessment with an appropriate limitation may be considered. If the dosage of the medication is changed, a further period of unfit assessment should be required. Regular specialist supervision should be required.


(c)        Psychotic disorder

Applicants with a history, or the occurrence, of a functional psychotic disorder should be assessed as unfit. A fit assessment may be considered if a cause can be unequivocally identified as one which is transient, has ceased and the risk of recurrence is minimal.


(d)       Deliberate self-harm

Applicants who have carried out a single self-destructive action or repeated acts of deliberate self-harm should be assessed as unfit. A fit assessment may be considered after full consideration of an individual case which may require psychiatric or psychological evaluation. Neuropsychological evaluation may also be required.